Post by echoI don't think anyone could understand aliens' technology if they were
more than 100 or 200 years 'ahead' of us. Could a guy living in 1805
understand the sientific theory and technology of today?
Isaac Newton understood a lot of scientific principles and died in 1727.
I suppose it would depend on whether they had any scientific background or
Please don't make the mistake that people living in 1805 were less
intelligent than we are.
They were just as equally intelligent then as we are now, as were the
Ancient Egyptians, and were capable of understanding many scientific
The only differences related to technology, not intelligence.
In fact, if you plucked a primitive child from , say, 50,000 years ago, and
placed him in a modern environment, it could grow up to be indistinguishable
from any modern human being, and as far as intelligence is concerned, it
could become a doctor, physicist or anything.
Post by echoWhat if some aliens
are a billion years ahead of us?
If the universe has been around for about 14 billion years, give or take a
billion or two, and it took intelligent life on this planet around 14
billion years to get where it is today, it's unlikely that there are any
aliens billions of years ahead of us.
Not enough time.
Post by echoMost likely all our scientific concepts
would be obsolete; so might the very ideas of science and theory. The aliens
would probably be completely incomprehensible to us. Maybe some are.
Some people on this newsgroup are incomrehensible to me, but they're not
aliens, so you could be right